Zeeve Offers Accelerated, 2-Weeks Time-to-Market for Anryton



Year :


Category :

Data Privacy

Blockchain Protocol :

Cosmos SDK

Anryton is a privacy-first Cosmos SDK Layer-1 built to secure sensitive information with absolute data privacy. Anryton offers groundbreaking data storage solutions with next-gen data management and privacy-protection capabilities. These solution can be easily customized for award-winning use cases for industries spanning DeFi , healthcare , NFTs, legal services, and more. Anryton leverages Zeeve’s appchain services to ensure top-grade infrastructure management and quick setup of their Cosmos Layer1’s full-fledged testnet along with rapid transition to the mainnet.

Anryton is a privacy-first Cosmos SDK Layer-1 built to secure sensitive information with absolute data privacy. Anryton offers groundbreaking data storage solutions with next-gen data management and privacy-protection capabilities.


Since its inception, Anryton envisioned for a quantum-resistant, decentralized storage platform, which is easy scalable, secure, and 100% privacy-focused, which can efficiently tackle the challenges of conventional data storage systems. To do this, Anryton chose to build a Cosmos SDK chain using future-proof concepts like IBC (Inter-blockchain compatibility), Tendermint protocol, and EVM compatibility. For rapid development of their Cosmos SDK chain and infrastructure management, Anryton forged partnership with Zeeve, seeking to leverage Zeeve’s extensive appchain expertise proven through successful Cosmos SDK chain launch and management for successful projects like Ethermint and Router Protocol. Here are the challenges Anryton presented before Zeeve team:

Chain setup & configuration challenges- The Anryton team sought a rapid-fast launch of Cosmos SDK Layer1. They provided a specific timeline for both the mainnet and testnet launch. And, since Anryton wanted their chain to be modular and massively scalable, a strict timeline was really a challenge for most appchain service providers.

Seamless management of deployed chain- Management of Anryton’s Cosmos SDK chain, on-demand scaling, and resolution of issues were other challenges Anryton faced. 100% uptime, resource monitoring & management, visibility across nodes, and increased uptime are some of the critical parameters Anryton has set to benchmark its network’s performance.

Network bandwidth & scaling challenges: Anryton’s vision to become the global leader in data storage and privacy-protection demands internet-level scaling capabilities, which is again a challenge if underlying infrastructure is not properly optimized or maintained.

Top-level Security: Security has been one of the key requirements for Anryton to ensure data and infrastructure-level security, offering a fully secure and threat-free environment for users on the network.

Lack of proper support: Be it infrastructure management, critical integrations, resolution of network issues, or any sort of assistance.


Modular chain setup with custom explorer: Based on Anryton’s use case-specific requirements, the team at Zeeve built and deployed a modular Cosmos SDK chain. Also, Zeeve integrated the chain with a custom blockchain explorer, TraceHawk. From building/customizing modules for business logic to setting up a dedicated infrastructure, validators setup, and managing the whole ecosystem, Zeeve has accountability for all the heavy lifting related to the network.

Protocol-level specialization: Zeeve has leveraged its Cosmos protocol-level specialization, which Zeeve has already offered for L1s like Router Protocol and Ethermint. More specifically, Zeeve offers the following assistance for Anryton:

  • Benchmarked setups (for nodes, storage system, smart contract platform, APIs, etc).
  • Decentralized & fully flexible setups for on-demand scaling.
  • 24/7 support & maintenance to maintain performance.
  • Smart monitoring & alert system for efficient infrastructure management.
  • Production-grade SLAs for the core protocol itself.

Top-level infrastructure management: Zeeve abides by critical infrastructure management parameters, including auto-scaling of Anryton nodes, advanced network monitoring system, necessary Enterprise SLAs, and compliance with security standards like ISO 27001, SOC 2 Type 2 & GDPR. All these arrangements ensuite exceptional performance in Anryton’s Cosmos SDK Layer1 with uptime, maximum availability, high response time, and Ethereum-matching security.

Advanced access control mechanism: Catering to the Anryton’s privacy-first blockchain’s design, the appchain experts at Zeeve created custom, advanced ACMs and implemented them for Anryton’s Cosmos SDK L1.

Default 24/7 Infra monitoring with Enterprise SLAs: Zeeve offers 24/7 infrastructure monitoring with proper enterprise SLAs to keep Anryton’s Cosmos SDK-based network up and running with zero downtime.


The Outcome:

Rapid, 2- weeks Time-to-market – Zeeve team identified some core challenges on Anryton’s end, solved them, and quickly set up both the testnet and mainnet for their network in just 2 weeks, offering an extremely faster time-to-market.

Significant cost reduction - By offering enterprise-grade infra, in-house custom explorer; TraceHawk, and automating the whole network setup, Zeeve’s specialized appchain service has enabled Anryton to save significant cost both on the infra and the network level.

Top-notch performance & Scalability - With 24/7 infra monitoring, resource tracking, and on-time optimization, Zeeve guaranteed top-notch performance, uptime, as well as endless scalability for Anryton.

Kick-start your Web3 Journey with Zeeve:

• Enjoy faster-time-to-production with Zeeve's Rollups-as-a-Service (RaaS), launch application-specific chains, Optimistic and Zk Rollup L2/L3s with all critical infrastructure components in days, not weeks.

• Deploy and manage RPC & validator nodes for a range of blockchain protocols, including public, permissive, and application-specific blockchains . See the complete list here.

• Easily index blockchain and smart contract data from top public blockchains , appchains, and Rollups with Traceye ; the powerful indexing solution powered by Zeeve.

• Leverage 24/7 monitoring, graphical dashboards, and enterprise-level SLAs, offering a guaranteed a robust, efficient, and secure web3 infrastructure. We work smart, so that you can focus on building your application.

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